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A and H Society pays tribute to Walcott
Achilles in the Caribbean: Omeros
Adam's amnesia: history and transcendence in the poetry of Derek Walcott
Adam's task of giving things their name : the poetry of Derek Walcott
Adam's task: the poetry of Derek Walcott and Caribbean theology: a study in the relationship between literature and Christian theology
Afternoon. Durrant's...
Agriculture: the Lewis model and its policy relevance
Alix Walcott
All West Indians should read book of poems by St. Lucian
All about a home
Allegory in Ti-Jean and his Brothers
Alliance Francaise joins the celebration: Pyramid to stage Salome in kweyol
Alliance Francaise launches ‘Youths and Books Celebration’ programme
American without America: Derek Walcott's American odyssey
Another deserved honour
Another life
Another life - a review
Another station of the cross: review: Walcott's In a Fine Castle
Antilles: fragments of epic memory
Apprentice: 25 poems, Epitaph for the Young, Poems, and In a Green Night
Arthur Lewis
Arthur Lewis and Caribbean labour market analysis
Arthur Lewis and development economics
Arthur Lewis and industrial development in the Caribbean: an assessment
Arthur Lewis and the United Nations
Arthur Lewis and the political economic dialogue in the Caribbean
Arthur Lewis at Princeton University
Arthur Lewis receives his Nobel Prize in 1979
Arthur Lewis' contribution to development thinking and policy
Arthur Lewis's centenary celebrations at The University of Manchester
Arthur Lewis: Nobel Laureate
Arthur Lewis: Nobel Laureate: an appreciation
Arthur the Great! Sir Arthur Lewis was more than an economist
Artistic revolution
Artistic revolution: an exploration of the potential of various genres of art as the agents for societal revolution and evolution
Aspects of economic development [1966]
Aspects of symbolism in Derek Walcott's Dream on Monkey Mountain
Aspects of tropical trade, 1883-1965 [1969]
Audience and actors
BU poet Walcott wins Nobel Prize
Bard in the rubbish heap: the problems of Walcott's poetry
Bard of the Island life: a poet's Nobel Prize rewards a career spent bringing new subjects and cadences to the English tongue
Becune Point
Between fury and peace: the many arts of Derek Walcott
Between heteroglossia and irony: Walcott’s “crystal of ambiguities”
Beyond African dictatorship: the crisis of the one-party state(1965)
Bibliography: blue economy
Big night music: Derek Walcott's Dream on Monkey Mountain and the "Splendours of Imagination"
Biography index
Biography of Derek Walcott
Black Excellence - Sir Arthur Lewis and his enduring legacy
Black bourgeoisie [1982]
Black power and the American university [1969]
Black power and the University
Blazers of glory
Blessing of words: Derek Walcott's Nobel Prize for literature gives new meaning to poetic justice
Blues in Caribbean poetry
Book chronicles life of Nobel Laureate, Princeton's first black professor
Books and the sea
Books: ancestral rhyme
Bounty and the beauty: Saint Lucia and the heritage of Derek Walcott
Bringing him back alive: Omeros
British Monopolies Act [1949]
Burial of Sir Derek Walcott at the Inniskilling monument, Morne Fortune
Caliban agonistes: stages of cultural development in Walcott's plays
Caligula's horse
Call for a fair day’s work: economist says public servants must justify huge wage bill
Can you guess what was Derek Walcott’s favourite breakfast?
Caribbean Castaway New World Odyssey: Derek Walcott's poetry
Caribbean Development Bank (1972)
Caribbean calypso on a Latin Odyssey
Caribbean economic recessions in historical perspective
Caribbean economic thought: the critical tradition
Caribbean education and the third millennium
Caribbean son: poet and playwright Derek Walcott
Caribbean: culture or mimicry: a Walcott essay
Caricom and the Caribbean in a changing international order
Causes of unemployment in less developed countries and some research topics
Celebrating St. Lucia's Laureates: biography of Sir Derek Alton Walcott
Celebrating St. Lucia's Nobel Laureates: biography of Sir William Arthur Lewis
Celebrating excellence
Celebrating our two Nobel Laureates
Celebrating the English language
Celebration! : dramatised poems, plays, song & music
Challenges facing the private sectors in the Caribbean at the beginning of the century
Chapter from Omeros XLVI
Circulation of metaphor in Derek Walcott’s poetry
Cleavage, class, and politics: Sir Arthur Lewis and the Westminster inheritance
Coco house used in the Derek Walcott's film "Ti Jean"
College which bears his name: a principal's tribute
Colonial development [1949]
Coming home
Comments from Derek Walcott (University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix, 1994)
Competition and regulation in the West Indies: general description [1962]
Competition in retail trade [1949]
Concept of the mulatto in some works of Derek Walcott
Confessions: the artists and God
Confidential letter
Constructing modern idiom on a base of tradition: an appreciation
Constructing our heritage the Walcott Place Project
Contextualizing Walcott
Conversation with Derek Walcott
Creole baroque in Derek Walcott’s archipelagic imagery
Critics and Derek Walcott
Crusader salutes Derek Walcott
Cultural literacy
Culture and economics: is socialisation a constraint on our development?
DAW - a tribute, delivered on behalf of the literary and theatre community
Demand of beauty
Dependent economic development in the English - speaking Caribbean, 1945-2000
Depreciation and obsolescence as factors in costing: the meaning of depreciation [1961]
Derek (Alton) Walcott 1930-
Derek A. Walcott
Derek Walcott
Derek Walcott - Caribbean renaissance man
Derek Walcott - biographical
Derek Walcott 1930-
Derek Walcott Omeros
Derek Walcott and Alejo Carpentier: nature, history, and the Caribbean writer
Derek Walcott and E.A. Markham read and talk
Derek Walcott and Wole Soyinka
Derek Walcott and family with Hon. John Compton
Derek Walcott and friends celebrate his 80th birthday
Derek Walcott and the West Indian dream and veneration of Africa
Derek Walcott and the great tradition
Derek Walcott at 81 years
Derek Walcott at Government House
Derek Walcott at Project Helen unveiling...
Derek Walcott becomes first Caribbean writer to receive Nobel Prize
Derek Walcott celebrates 80th birthday with Ms Nama and friends
Derek Walcott directing film "Ti Jean"
Derek Walcott discusses his painting and poetry
Derek Walcott funeral
Derek Walcott in 1963
Derek Walcott in Caribbean Quarterly
Derek Walcott makes movie
Derek Walcott on Omeros: an interview
Derek Walcott on: Dream on Monkey Mountain
Derek Walcott reads White Egrets at Lesley University - Part 1 of 5
Derek Walcott reads beginning of Omeros Book 1, Chapter 1
Derek Walcott's "Easter"
Derek Walcott's "The Odyssey: a stage version"
Derek Walcott's Pantomime
Derek Walcott's basement theatre
Derek Walcott's gravesite
Derek Walcott's odyssey
Derek Walcott's plays: outrage and compassion
Derek Walcott's poetry
Derek Walcott's with actors of the film "Ti Jean"
Derek Walcott, Roderick Walcott and Pamela St. Hill as children
Derek Walcott, famed poet, playwright, awarded 1992 Nobel Prize in literature
Derek Walcott, laureate of displacement
Derek Walcott, poet and Nobel Laureate of the Caribbean, dies at 87
Derek Walcott: Caribbean, European, African or multicultural
Derek Walcott: Nobel Laureate
Derek Walcott: Poet and Seer. The Knot - Screening next Thursday
Derek Walcott: St. Lucia's Nobel Prize winner 1992
Derek Walcott: a cultural icon of the twentieth century
Derek Walcott: an interview
Derek Walcott: dead but immortal
Derek Walcott: history as a dis-ease
Derek Walcott: interview on his life
Derek Walcott: journey of the living legend!: an island made of words!
Derek Walcott: la luz màs allà de la metàforna
Derek Walcott: penning the soul of our island
Derek Walcott: poet of two worlds
Derek Walcott: reborn in Brasilia
Derek Walcott: the 1992 winner of the Nobel Prize for literature
Derek Walcott: the literary humanist in the Caribbean
Derek Walcott: the prodigal
Derek Walcott: the spirit of a post-Elizabethan globalist
Derek Walcott: time he was more than just a trophy!
Derek Walcott’s barber: dedication from a Poet Laureate
Derek Walcott’s movie makes local premiere: the Big Bard moves from stage to screen
Derek and Roderick Walcott
Developing colonial agriculture [1949]
Developing planning
Development and distribution [1976]
Development and finance: insights from the new paradigm of monetary economics
Development and stagnation in Ghana: an "abibirim" approach
Development economics in the 1950s
Development economics: W. Arthur Lewis
Development strategy in a limping world economy
Dialect as narrative
Dichotomous pride. Editorial
Don Juan's 'hilarious exploits': the Joker of Seville on stage
Down the coast
Dr. Fletcher zeroes in on record-setting temperatures
Drama critics, the stage and Derek Walcott
Drama under the palm trees: Antony Thorncroft talks to Derek Walcott on Caribbean culture
Drama, the church and the nation in the Caribbean
Dream on monkey mountain
Dreamers and slaves: the ethos of revolution in Walcott and Leroi Jones
Dual economy revisited [1979]
Dupes Brice first Jako prize winner
Early Walcott years
Early education of a Nobel Laureate in the West Indies
Eastern Caribbean Federation: report to the Prime Minister [1961]
Economic aspects of quality in education [1969]
Economic commission for Africa [1955]
Economic development and world trade [1965]
Economic development of Africa [1955]
Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour [1954]
Economic problems of development (1962)
Economic profile of the American black [1970]
Economic theory and economic policy in the 20th century West Indies: "the Lewis tradition of town and gown"
Economic tranformation: the role of technology and human capital in the Caribbean, a la the Lewis tradition
Economics association mourns loss of Sir Arthur
Economics of education
Economics of loyalty [1942]
Economics of racial inequality [1985]
Economist and Professor Sir W. Arthur Lewis
Economist cautions governments
Education and development: celebrating excellence, confronting challenges
Education and economic development
Education and economic development [1962]
Education and economic development - N.C.P.C. perspective
Education for scientific professions in the poor countries [1962]
Effects of an overseas slump on the British economy [1949]
Either I'm nobody or I'm a nation: Derek Walcott's poetry
Eliminate both unemployment and inflation [1983]
Emergence of West Africa (1961)
Employment policy in an under-developed area [1958]
Enjoying the fruits of life's bounty
Epilogue in the West Indies: the Federation negotiations [1968]
Establishment of the CSME - a manifestation of Sir Arthur Lewis' vision for the Caribbean
Eulogy for Sir Arthur Lewis given at the state funeral for Sir William Arthur
Eulogy to W. H. Auden
Examine life through a great writer's eyes
Excerpt from Tiepolo's Hound
Excerpt from “An Emblem of Impossible Prophecy"
Excuse students for special event
Exile and the prodigal: Derek Walcott as West Indian poet
Extracts from The Bounty
FRC features St. Omer art family for independence
FRC mourns Sir Derek’s death
Fall of the final mercantilism: labour mobility in the Caribbean and the world, from Arthur Lewis to the 21st Century
Farewell, Sir Derek: burial takes place later today
Fatal attractors: Adam, Homer, Shakespeare, Defoe, Walcott, and re-righting the Caribbean
Fighting discrimination: W. Arthur Lewis and the dual economy of Manchester in the 1950s
First local launching for Walcott books
Five voices and harmonies: verse turns few profits, but the art remains healthy
Fixed costs [1946]
Flyer for Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture 2021
Flyer: 2021 Nobel Laureate Festival
Flyer: next normal discourses: sustainable business - prospects for the blue economy in saint lucia: list of panelists
Food and raw materials [1951]
Footsteps to follow
For Clara Rosa
Fortunate traveller
Forty acres: a poem for Barack Obama from Nobel winner Derek Walcott
From L. S. E. to Mona
From Omeros Chapter XLIII
From the Prodigal
Future of economic growth and development: Sir Arthur Lewis in the 21st century
Genesis of a tradition. Unearthing Walcott
Governor General applauds festive additions to Nobel Laureate celebrations
Great House Moonlight Theatre proudly presents Ti Jean and his brothers
Great Sir Arthur Lewis
Great man
Greatest success of all
Growing pains of African democracy [1961]
Growth challenges in the transition from agriculture to services: some research findings on the OECS economies
Haytian Earth - Part 1
Hemingway now
Henri Christophe: poet Walcott's first major play on Haitian Revolution
Heroic ubiquity of Derek Walcott
High tide of a Caribbean Odyssey
His publications
Historic Sir Arthur: St. Lucia wins Nobel prize
History and style in Another Life
History of Derek Walcott's voice: a study of his poetry
Home coming
Homecoming: Anse La Raye (for Garth St. Omer)
Homer in the New World
Hon. Derek Alton Walcott - “Moi c’est gens Ste. Lucie, c’est la moi sorti = is there I born”
Honour for Nobel prize winner: Sir Arthur College bill clears House
Honoured to the end
Horns of Derek's dilemma
House pays tribute to Sir Arthur
House pays tribute to Sir Arthur: state funeral for nobel laureate Saturday
How Derek Walcott changed my life
How Sir Derek’s magic shaped my life
Humanising a giant
Humble beginnings: Lucian laureate’s family home brought back to life
Identity in universality
If only those who grieve together stayed together!
Iliad for our time: Walcott’s Caribbean epic
Imperative of an economic growth and transformation plan for Saint Lucia
Improve low growth in St. Lucia
In a Green Night
In celebration of the provincial in the St. Lucian arts
In memoriam
In native tongues
In parliament tribute paid to Sir Arthur
In search of sustainable economic development with limits other than unlimited supplies of labour
In solitude for company: the poetry of Derek Walcott
In the spirit of Homer: constructing national identity by reconstructing individual histories
Increasing the range of human choice - the case for Health (St. Kitts)
India’s economic prospects for 1980: the need to develop export of manufactures [1954]
Industrial development in Puerto Rico: the government's programme [1949]
Industrialisation of the British West Indies (1950): the need for industrialisation
Industry and identity: the cultural industries and Caribbean development
Influences and visions
Institutions and politics in a Lewis-type growth model
Inter-relations of shipping freights [1941]
International development policy, macroeconomic management, debt and trade
International economics: international competition in manufactures [1957]
International trade and economic growth [1967]
Interview with Derek Walcott
Interview: Derek Walcott
Into Italy
Islands in the stream: poet Derek Walcott spins a luminous meditation on visual art
Issues in land settlement policy [1951]
Jackie Hinkson
Jamaica Kincaid praises Sir Derek
Jamaica Kincaid revisits ‘The Star Apple Kingdom’ at Walcott lecture
Jamaicans estastic over Derek Walcott's triumph: Sir Alister sends congrats
Jamaica’s economic problems: a series of seven articles [1964]
Joker of Seville: a review
Journey’s end
Just a fisherman: Derek Walcott on Omeros
King of culture
King of culture - Sir Derek Walcott passes on
Knowledge as an engine of economic growth which seems to inform Sir Arthur Lewis’ theory
Kweyol activity for Nobel Laureates celebrations
Land and sea: the Castaway, and the Gulf
Language beyond mimicry: language as metaphor and meaning in Derek Walcott's oeuvre
Legacy of the Walcott brothers
Lesson for this Sunday
Leveraging ICT for regional transformation - Part 1
Leveraging ICT for regional transformation - Part 2
Lewis Model after 50 years: assessing Sir Arthur..
Lewis for the 21st Century
Lewis model after fifty years
Lewis' strategy on economic development in the Anglophone Caribbean: relevant or outdated?
Lewis's dual sector model and challenges of economic development in contemporary Africa
Line: for Derek Walcott
List of SALCC activities: Nobel laureate festival January 15 - February 7, 2018
List of the works of W. Arthur Lewis
Literary festival off to good start with Derek Walcott
Literary festival salutes Walcott
Local artists capture Laureates’ words, win prizes
Local theatre - facts and the future
London based Saint Lucians honour Sir Derek
Lonely passions for our land
Longing on St. Lucia: Derek Walcott, leading citizen of the nation called Imagination talks to Waldemar Jauszczak
Macho Walcott
Making of Derek Walcott
Man of 'steel': Derek Walcott, poet and playwright...
Man of 'steel': poet Derek Walcott switches to heavy metal
Man who loves English: a poet from the West Indies wins the Nobel Prize
Mango and the oak: Derek Walcott's Odyssey
Marathon craft
Marvellous intellectual feasts’: Arthur Lewis at the London School of Economics 1933–1948
Matters arising: if loving these islands must be my load...
May the next generation curse a government so blind…
Meet our people
Meet the Nobel Laureate: the chance of a lifetime
Memorial service 14th June 1996 to commemorate the Fifth Anniversary of the death of Sir William Arthur Lewis
Memorial service to commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the death of Sir William Arthur Lewis (1915-1991)
Memorial service to commemorate the Second Anniversary of the death of Sir William Arthur Lewis, 15th June 1993
Memorial service to commemorate the Seventh Anniversary of the death of Sir William Arthur Lewis
Memorial tribute to honour Sir Derek Walcott
Met history once, but he ain't recognize me: the poetry of Derek Walcott
Metamorphosis of Lewis’s dual economy model
Ministry of Education and Culture presents "The Haitian Earth": Derek Walcott world premiere
Model of commodity prices after Sir Arthur Lewis
Modern theatre
Monopoly and the law: an economist’s reflections on the Crofter case: the evolution of the law 1943]
Monthly Teller's personality: poet, playwright, Derek Walcott
Much to remember from Derek Walcott theatre
Mulatto of style: language in Derek Walcott's drama
Multiplicity of voices: a conversation with Derek Walcott
Muse of history: a Walcott essay
My father, the poet
My pen replaced a brush”: Derek Walcott’s Tiepolo’s Hound and brushing history against the grain
Naming and homecoming: Walcott's poetry since "Another Life"
Narcissism of small differences: Eastern Caribbean integration and its implications for the wider region
National Portrait Gallery opens
National pride lacking. Editorial
Negotiating the export economy
New Homer's odyssey
New World burden
New face of globalisation: a post-crisis assessment
Nice guy who finished first
Nigerian Laureate's visit stirs St. Lucians: packed NIC room for Soyinka
Night of poetry – Tribute to Sir Derek Walcott
Nightmare history: Derek Walcott's Omeros
No longer blinded by our eyes the poetry of Derek Walcott: the return of the exile as exile
Nobel Laureate Festival 2018
Nobel Laureate Festival winds down: nuggets of excellence continue to emerge
Nobel Laureate Friday
Nobel Laureate Week 2013: programme of activities
Nobel Laureate Week 2015: Programme of activities celebrating the centenary of Sir William Arthur Lewis
Nobel Laureate Week Saint Lucia 1993
Nobel Laureate Week activities
Nobel Laureate Week celebrating two St. Lucia heroes for 26th time
Nobel Laureate Week launched
Nobel Laureate Week wraps up
Nobel Laureate Week: two purposes
Nobel Laureate at home: Sir Arthur tours his college today
Nobel Laureate festival 2019
Nobel Laureate festival 2021
Nobel Laureate festival: SALCC activities schedule
Nobel Laureate festival: list of activities
Nobel Laureate quotes
Nobel Laureates Festival 2019 ends!
Nobel Prize: what is the Nobel Prize?
Nobel Week begins
Nobel indeed!
Nobel laureate festival 2018: Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture
Nobel laureate wreath laying ceremony
Nobel prize - noble winner: Sir Arthur Lewis writes his own chapter of Caribbean history
Nobel prize in literature 1992: award ceremony speech
Noble causes. Editorial
Nobody, or a nation
Nostalgia, thrills at Walcott House
Now a 'Festival' for our Nobel Laureates - GG: let us show who we are
Obsession and responsibility
Odyssey ends in glory
Omeros - Life's song of islands
Omeros: overview
On Derek Walcott's "the light of the world" (from the Arkansas Testament")
On accidental grace: a conversation with Derek Walcott
On hating the sin, not the sinner (1967)
On the crest of a wave
Oprah Winfrey's favorite Derek Walcott poem!
Organizers upbeat about Nobel Laureate Festival
Outstanding poet
PCD hosts Chamber awards party
Painters and paintings in 'Another Life'
Pamela St. Hill and Derek Walcott
Panel discussion: Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture
Pantomime plays on culture
Paris no paradise for Pissarro - new epic
Passing the torch
Path to Parnassus
Pension reform as an instrument of genuine social and economic development
Persistent poverty or sustainable socio-economic development in the Caribbean - the disruptive reforms necessary to secure the latter - Part 1
Perspectives on growth and financial crises: the contemporary relevance of underlying determinants behind conventional "causes"
Petronilla Deterville's work highlighted
Pissarro at dusk
Poem - From Line - For Derek Walcott
Poem as autographical novel: Derek Walcott's Another Life in relation to Wordworth's Prelude and Joyce's 'Portrait'
Poems of Derek Walcott (Missing pages 20-23)
Poet's St. Lucia: seeking the soul of the island through the words of Derek Walcott
Poet's search for a voice (Final part)
Poet's search for a voice (Part 1)
Poet's search for a voice (Part 2)
Poetry and problemization in Derek Walcott's "O Babylon!"
Poetry and the powers
Poetry is an Island screened at 2nd Barbados Independent Film Festival
Poetry of Derek Walcott: finding a language of faith
Political element in the works of W. Arthur Lewis: a black Fabian's attitude to Africa
Politics of the Nobel Peace Prize!
Portrait of the artist as an old man
Postcolonial studies at Emory
Presidential address to the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank, Jamaica, 1973: the shortage of entrepreneurship
Primary sources part A: books and plays
Prime Minister on Sir Derek’s passing: This is a great loss to St. Lucia, a great loss to the world
Princeton Fund honors Sir Arthur Lewis
Probably the best poet in the world
Prodigal, pilgrim, prophet
Professor Sir Arthur Lewis
Profile of Sir William Arthur Lewis 1915-1991
Profiles – Presenters
Program of activities: Nobel Laureate Festival 2020
Program of activities: Nobel Laureate festival 2021
Programme for public function and unveiling ceremony in honour of Sir William Arthur Lewis at the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School, May 7, 1985
Programme of activities for the visit of Derek Walcott winner of 1992 Nobel Prize for Literature to Sir Arthur Lewis Community College
Propertius Quartet
Proposals for an Eastern Caribbean Federation of eight territories [1962]
Prosper's book undrowned: the figure in the book in Derek Walcott's Another Life (1973)
Proud of you - Guild
Quest for Caribbean identities: postcolonial conflicts and cross-cultural fertilization in Derek Walcott’s poetry
Rage of Derek Walcott: introduction
Rate of growth of the world economy [1984]
Rate of growth of world trade 1830-1973 [1981]
Re-mapping the New World: the recent poetry of Derek Walcott
Recent controversies over economic policy in the British Labour Party [1958]
Recreating our future: reflect, re-imagine, and re-position
Reflecting on the contribution of Sir Derek Walcott and other contemporary St. Lucian performing arts and artists both at home and on the international arena
Reflecting on the contribution of Sir Derek Walcott and that of other St. Lucian writers to the literary arts both at home and on the international stage
Reflections of unlimited labor [1972]
Reflections on Sir W. Arthur Lewis
Reflections on Sir William Arthur: his work and legacy
Reflections on South-East Asia [1952]
Reflections: in the eye of a master poet
Reflective Reviews of Sir Derek Walcott
Region applauds Walcott's award
Regional unity and constitutional reform
Reinterpreting Caribbean development
Remarks - Wreath laying ceremony, 27th January, 2006
Remembering Sir Arthur
Remembering Sir Derek Alton Walcott (Dedicated to Ms. Sigrid Walcott)
Remembering St. Lucia’s first Nobel winner
Required on Sir Arthur should be in schools
Rethinking agricultural development: the Caribbean challenge
Review of books - Omeros: the ascendancy of Derek Walcott
Revolutionary dream of Walcott's Makak
Rick Wayne takes the chair
Right to development
Ripening with Walcott
Rising prices: 1899-1913 and 1950-1979 [1980]
Roderick Walcott, the other half of the literary giant twins
Roderick and Derek Walcott
Roseau Valley
Round the Caribbean
SALCC Academic Discourse: Dennery segment: evolution, revolution or devolution
SALCC Academic Discourse: artistic revolution
SALCC Academic Discourse: blue economy
SALCC Academic Discourse: the role of academics as a force of social change in society
SALCC Academic Discourse: we cannot breathe: Sir Arthur Lewis and reparatory justice for the Caribbean
Sabbaths, St. Lucia
Safe conduct
Saga of Sir Arthur Lewis
Saint Lucia National Trust salutes Derek Walcott: Saint Lucian laureate
Saint Lucia's Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott interview on his extended poem Omeros
Saint Lucia: Nobel Laureate Week 2000: choral reading: "a vision of excellence"
Saint Lucia: Nobel Laureate Week 2002: choral reading - "winning words, winning ways"
Saint Lucia: Nobel Laureate Week January 21-26, 2002: choral reading - "politics, productivity, and social peace"
Saint Lucia: coming home
Saint Lucian Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott on empire and language
Salute to Sir Arthur
Sea horses beneath the thud of waves
Search request: Walcott, Derek
Secondary education and economic structure [1964]
Secret of Caribbean success
Secular swings in production and trade, 1870-1913 [1955]
Selected bibliography: primary sources
Shabine among the fishmongers: Derek Walcott and the suspicion of essences
Shifting fortunes of agriculture: the general setting [1960]
Shortage of entrepreneurship: statement by Sir Arthur Lewis, President Caribbean Development Bank to the Board of Governors at the third annual meeting, held in Jamaica April 26, 1973
Silver Shadow’s La Luna shines brightly
Singer in his prime
Singing the true Caribbean: the plays and poems of Derek Walcott
Sir Arthur Lewis
Sir Arthur Lewis - autobiography
Sir Arthur Lewis - the home coming
Sir Arthur Lewis - “First Nobel Laureate of the English speaking Caribbean”
Sir Arthur Lewis Community College - Shaping the future: an address delivered at the memorial service commemorating the fourth anniversary of the death of Sir Arthur Lewis
Sir Arthur Lewis Community College memorial service 15th June 1994 to commemorate the Third Anniversary of the death of Sir William Arthur Lewis
Sir Arthur Lewis Community College presents: next normal discourses “sustainable business - Prospects for the blue economy in Saint Lucia”
Sir Arthur Lewis Community College wreath laying ceremony
Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture (programme)
Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture 2023
Sir Arthur Lewis and Pinceton event
Sir Arthur Lewis and development economics: fifty years on
Sir Arthur Lewis and racism, growing inequality and the right to development: destruction of civilization
Sir Arthur Lewis biography
Sir Arthur Lewis impact on the field of economics
Sir Arthur Lewis memorial lecture 2020: socio economic transformation by invitation and innovation
Sir Arthur Lewis on being different: the graduation address delivered at the UWI Cave Hill, Barbados, on 5th February, 1971,
Sir Arthur Lewis: a short biography
Sir Arthur Lewis: a true WI democrat
Sir Arthur Lewis: an outstanding Caribbean man
Sir Arthur Lewis: autobiography of Sir Arthur Lewis
Sir Arthur Lewis: first black man to win nobel prize in Economics
Sir Arthur Lewis: yes he did!
Sir Arthur Lewis’ Banquet Speech
Sir Arthur and Sir Hilary: Knights of the Reparations Round Table
Sir Derek Alton Walcott
Sir Derek Alton Walcott to receive state funeral
Sir Derek Alton Walcott: 23 January 1930-17 March 2017
Sir Derek Alton Walcott: life and works
Sir Derek Walcott Memorial Lecture 2020
Sir Derek Walcott and the significance of birds in his literature
Sir Derek Walcott biography
Sir Derek Walcott passed on the torch
Sir Derek Walcott’s Banquet Speech
Sir Derek Walcott’s Theatre Festival: Ti Jean and his Brothers
Sir Derek Walcott’s Ti Jean and His Brothers premieres this weekend
Sir Derek laid to rest
Sir Derek lecture draws low turnout
Sir Derek’s magical words. Editorial
Sir W. Arthur Lewis: a lasting legacy
Sir W. Arthur Lewis’s institutional perspective: implications for the analysis of the incorporation of peasants to market economies
Sir William Arthur Lewis
Sir William Arthur Lewis (1915-1991)
Sir William Arthur Lewis Memorial Service, 15th June 1994 at 10:30 a.m
Sir William Arthur Lewis wreath laying ceremony celebrating excellence: national initiatives, global perspectives 22 January 2015
Sir William Arthur Lewis, the social activist
Slowing down of the engine of growth
So many ways to say goodbye to an icon
Socialism in Africa
Society in need of transformation
Socio-economic transformation by invitation and innovation
Someone to know: Derek Walcott, in full Derek Alton Walcott
Sound of the 'Tide'
Sources of tension in West Africa [1960]
Spar: in memoriam, Leo St. Helene
Special issue in honor of Sir William Arthur Lewis 1979 Nobel Laureate
Spoiler's return: for Earl Lovelace
St. Clair in Laureates Chair tonight
St. Lucia Business Awards…ready to take centre stage!
St. Lucia Government Presentation for Carifesta '81
St. Lucia National Honouring Ceremony: Derek Walcott 1992 Nobel Prize - Literature 1992 and Wreath Laying Ceremony at grave of Sir Arthur Lewis
St. Lucia hosts first literary festival - Word Alive
St. Lucia's Nobel Prize winner: "masterpieces are never easy to read"
St. Lucia's gift to the world of learning passes away
St. Lucia's survival options
St. Lucian Nobel Laureate comes home: big tribute to Sir Arthur
St. Lucian greats - Sir Arthur Lewis
St. Lucian poet wins Nobel
St. Lucian world of Derek Walcott
St. Omer in spotlight at FRC Wednesday
St. Omers’ art now on show
Starry night over Samaans Park: a tribute to Derek Walcott
State funeral for Lewis in St. Lucia
State funeral for Sir Derek
Statement by Dr. Arthur Lewis, Vice-Chancellor, at press conference, April 25, 1962
Statement by Sir Arthur Lewis, President Caribbean Development Bank to the Board of Governors at the Second Annual General Meeting held in St. Lucia April 21, 1972
Statement by Sir Arthur Lewis, President of the Caribbean Development Bank to the Board of Governors at the First Annual Meeting Antigua, April 23, 1971
Steel: a musical - Part 1
Students benefit from UWI Open Campus English workshop
Summary: causes of unemployment in less developed countries and some research topics [1970]
Summum attingitur nitendo: a tribute to Sir Arthur Lewis
Sustained high growth and poverty reduction in developing countries
Synopsis of highlighted activities, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College
Table of contents for Sir Arthur Lewis Collected Papers 1941-1988 (Vol. 1- Vol. 3)
Taiwanese Embassy remembers Sir Derek
Theatre: Derek's fairy tale
They pay homage to a great St. Lucian: UWI's tribute to Sir Arthur Lewis
This Prophet, this poet, must never be without honour in his own home
Thoughts on land settlement [1954]
Three selections from Tiepolo's Hound
Tiepolo's Hound: a reading by Derek Walcott
Tiny school produces two Nobel winners
To a breathing balance: notes on Derek Walcott the prodigal
Trade and development challenges facing the Caribbean
Trade drives [1954]
Tragedy of the fall of a great man
Tribute to Derek Walcott
Tribute to Derek Walcott "King of Culture"
Tribute to Nobel Laureate Sir Derek Walcott
Tribute to Sir Derek Alton Walcott
Tribute to Sir Derek Walcott
Tribute to a poet: Derek Walcott's new book
Tribute to our Nobel Laureates
Tribute to the Honourable Derek Walcott, St. Lucia's Nobel Laureate - a literary legend
Tributes to Derek Walcott, 1930-2017: in various light
Tributes to Sir Derek pour in
Tricks and trips: foreign investment and knowledge transfer revisited
Trinidad theatre workshop 1966-1967
Trinidad's quiet man hailed as great poet
Troping the voice-print: Derek Walcott’s rhetoric of performance
Two decades of growth
Two great things in 1979
Two part tariff [1941]
UWI Open Campus to host 3rd annual Patricia Ismond Workshop
UWI celebrates Walcott
UWI pays tribute to Walcott on 80th birthday
Under a candle's eye
Unemployment in developing areas [1967]
Unemployment in developing countries [1967]
University and economic development
University in less developed countries [1974]
University of the West Indies: a memorandum prepared for the conference on the common services [1962]
Unlimited labour: further notes [1958]
Unlocking the potential within: an Arthur Lewis perspective
Unveiling of the Derek Walcott Library, January 22, 2021
Use of myths in Derek Walcott’s collected poems 1948-1984
V Fort’s Laureate Literary Night Feb. 5
VFort’s literary night - great success
Very dangerous emphasis of optimism
Vieux Fort plans for Nobel Laureate Week
Village life
Vision in the word
Visiting playwright gives a word of advice to Barbadians: your actors need to be taught
Voices - Celebrating Sir Derek Walcott
W. A. Lewis, the plantation school and dependency: an interpretation
W. Arthur Lewis's Theory of economic growth: a review with 50 years of foresight
W. Arthur Lewis's legacy: industrialization or agricultural development?
Walcott House Museum: virtual tour - Part 1
Walcott House closes: National Trust cites lack of funding
Walcott House controversy
Walcott House opens: Nobel Laureate says he’s thankful
Walcott Lecture on Tuesday
Walcott Place
Walcott and sexual politics: macho conventions shape the moon
Walcott and the domain of English poetry
Walcott and the language of the tribe
Walcott brothers with George Odlum and Michael Chastanet
Walcott captures Caribbean homeland in plays and poems
Walcott dedication: the three musicians
Walcott gets US award
Walcott goes back to school
Walcott goes to Essex as professor
Walcott illuminates multiculturalism
Walcott is dead: Poet Laureate passes away peacefully at 87
Walcott launches 'Omeron'
Walcott on Walcott
Walcott raps with Edward Hirsch: the art of poetry
Walcott realizes lifetime goals
Walcott retrospective
Walcott surprised by nobel honours: St. Lucia cheers as native son wins
Walcott wins Nobel
Walcott wins another big Caribbean poetry prize
Walcott withdraws from Poetry Professor election
Walcott's "Laventville"
Walcott's Caribbean odyssey
Walcott's Jamaica years
Walcott's early drama
Walcott's hack's hired prose
Walcott's later drama - from 'Joker' to 'Rememberance'
Walcott's love affair with St. Lucia
Walcott's major triumph
Walcott's new 'home': doors reopen January 24
Walcott's plays - a creative exploration of Saint Lucian culture and identity
Walcott's poems published in U.S
Walcott's socio-linguistic background
Walcott's world odyssey: Omeros
Walcott, Derek
Walcott, Derek 1930-
Walcott, Derek (Alton)
Walcott, Derek (Alton) 1930-
Walcott, Derek 1930-
Walcott, my Walcott!
Walcott, poet of Caribbean, is awarded the Nobel Prize
Walcott: Caribbean colossus
Walcott: Nobel won't make poetry any easier
Walcott: six decades of poetry
Warwick Walcott
West Indian drama and the Rockefeller Foundation, 1957-1970
West Indian drama and the Rockefeller Foundation, 1957-70: Derek Walcott, the Little Carib and the University of the West Indies
West Indian poet straddles 2 cultures
West Indian writer wins Nobel Prize: literature winner teaches at Boston University
What did you learn from the international financial crises in the 1990s, daddy?
What purposes for Caricom integration today?
What the twighlight says
What will become of the Caribbean islands: Sir Arthur: it's up to the people
What would Walcott do?
What’s on in Nobel Laureates’ Week
When Lewis created history: first black professor in UK and then at Princeton
White Egrets
White Egrets by Derek Walcott: poems from Derek Walcott's TS Eliot prize-shortlisted collection
White Egrets: beyond "mythical conceit"
White devil: a story of Christmas
Who's who - 1983
Why haven't global markets reduced inequality?
Wife: he deserves it
William Arthur Lewis: journey of a visionary!
Women in Walcott's theatre
Word Alive International Literary Festival March 25th - 28th
Word Alive renews focus on the arts
Works of Derek Walcott: West Indian gallery
World production, prices and trade, 1870-1960 [1952]
World trade since the war [1968]
Worlds of a cosmic castaway
Wreath laying ceremony: at the burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis 23rd January 2004
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis 26th January 2007
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis 23rd January 2009
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis 27th January 2006
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis 28th January 2011
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis, 22nd January 2010
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis, 27th January 2017
Wreath laying ceremony: burial site of Sir William Arthur Lewis, 28th January 2005
Wreath laying ceremony: burial sites of Sir William Arthur Lewis and Sir Derek Walcott, 24th January 2020
Youth awarded for excellence at National Awards