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1999 New Year's address by Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony
1st National Bank of Saint Lucia: from penny bank to billion dollar enterprise feature address by Director General of the OECS Dr. Didacus Jules to 1NB investors forum 4th Nov 2023
25 poems
450 learn to read and write at five centres: Mabouya literacy project launched
Adam's task of giving things their name: the poetry of Derek Walcott
Address to the 46th Convention of the Saint Lucia Labour Party
Adult and continuing education in St. Lucia addressing global transformation and the new millennium
Adult literacy classes in St. Lucia: a case study of the La Guerre literacy centre
Adult literacy project a success
Agriculture: a reader for level three learners
Analysis of the literacy surveys of Ti Rocher and La Guerre (St. Lucia)
Annual statistical digest 1975
Another station of the cross
Appeal from the WRM to public servants and all workers
Appreciation of Walcott poem
Approach to Independence: a sequence of government statements of policy on Independence from 1967 when St. Lucia became an Associated State
Are you ready?: am I parent material?
Art exhibition: St. Omer and Walcott
Arts Guild present Henri Christophe (Program)
Ballad of a man and dog: a play
Banana industry: a supplementary reader for adult learners
Banquet in honour of the forty second president of the United States of America honourable William Jefferson Clinton (Program)
Bard in the rubbish heap
Bill entitled: An Act to amend the Criminal Code Chapter 250
Book reviews
Breaking new ground
Brief history of education in St. Lucia (Final part)
Brief history of education in St. Lucia (First of a two-part series)
Brief summary of the present political situation in St. Lucia
Budget address by the Honourable John G. M. Compton premier and Minister of Finance on the 4th January, 1968
Budget address by the Honourable John G. M. Compton, Chief Minister and Minister of Finance on the 4th January, 1967
Budget address by the honourable John G. M. Compton Premier Minister of Finance 30th December, 1971
Budget address by the honourable John G. M. Compton Premier Minister of Finance on the 18th December 1975
Budget address by the honourable John G. M. Compton premier and Minister of Finance
Calling rastafari (Newspaper)
Caribbean castaway: new world odyssey: Derek Walcott's poetry
Caribbean in the new century: challenges to the emergence of a new political culture: address by Prime Minister Hon. Kenny Anthony....
Case for local independent organization and activity an alternative to political manoevering and the credibility gap
Castries mayoral status celebrations 11th December to 14th December, 1967: official programme of events
Castries revisited
Chanson Marianne: a play on the Marguerite festival
Combat (Newspaper)
Committee for the promotion of national unity
Conservation News (Newsletters)
Constituency votes: St. Lucia election 1974
Constitution for St. Lucia
Constitution of Saint Lucia - A summary
Constitution of the St. Lucia students association
Constitution of the St. Lucia-Cuba friendship association
Creative and performing arts society presents Odale's Choice, the Light and the Dark, and The Invocation (Plays)
Creole fable: a play written for children
Crusader (Newspaper)
Curriculum harmonization: report of workshop on lower secondary school mathematics learning outcomer
Dead men don't tell tales but wink...: a one act play in four scenes
Derek Walcott
Derek Walcott's fairy tale
Derek Walcott's plays: outrage and compassion
Derek Walcott: Dream on Monkey Mountain
Derek Walcott: a bibliography of published poems with dates of publication and variant versions 1944-1979
Different growth of a poet's mind: Derek Walcott's Another Life
Don't stop the carnival in chamber pot alley
Draft constitution - Statutory instruments
Draft proposal on multicultural kit
Dread Season reviewed
Dreadness and youth in Caribbean society
Dream exposes truths we try to suppress
ECLAC survey - St. Lucia data codes
Education as conscientization: a case study of a prison literacy project in St. Lucia
Education reform and transformation: a review of the literature
Education social transformation and the transition state in the Third World - a book review
Enough! Rural Transformation Collective (RTC) Bulletin
Evaluation report of the National Farmers Association of St. Lucia 1988-1989
Extracts from Hansard: a House of Assembly (1974-1977): record of the Hon. Peter Josie
Facilitators guide to we learn together
Folk Research Centre launching of the Dictionary of St. Lucian Creole (Programme)
Folk Research Centre official opening
Folk Research Centre: programs and activities
Folk Research program for the promotion of medicinal Herbs
From town to city - marking the 25th anniversary of the Castries City Council (1967-1992)
Glimpses of the economic policies of the Saint Lucia Labour Party: address by Kenny D. Anthony to the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce (July 31, 1996)
Good start for adult literacy programme
Government of St. Lucia. Annual Statistical Digest 1976
Graduation address to Vide Bouteille Secondary School by Didacus Jules
Great irony
Guide to better parenting
Harry Dernier: a play for radio production
Heads of government conference musical comedy
How the Labour government will help you (flyer)
Hustlers: a musical commentary
Illiteracy crackdown
Imperialism in the trade union movement
In '74 we go flambeau
In a Fine Castle: review
Incense cylinder (Photograph)
Independence do it right, let the people decide
Independence for Saint Lucia
Independence speech: 13th independence anniversary
Industrial Exhibition
International Literacy Day 1990
Introduction to the poetry of Derek Walcott
Jounen kweyol Sent Lisi: Kweyol: La toupatou
Julian Robert Hunte: manifesto
L'Amitie: Organ of the St. Lucia-Cuba friendship association
Land reform commission
Lavi Nou - A young man singing calypso
Lavi Nou - Adult education classes
Lavi Nou - A gentleman walking
Lavi Nou - A group of children playing a traditional game
Lavi Nou - A group of children socializing
Lavi Nou - A group of families
Lavi Nou - A group of family members
Lavi Nou - A group of fishermen
Lavi Nou - A policeman conducting traffic
Lavi Nou - A small dwelling house
Lavi Nou - A traditional brick oven
Lavi Nou - A workman ploughing the agricultural field using a tractor
Lavi Nou - An elderly person washing
Lavi Nou - Banana farmers
Lavi Nou - Craft making
Lavi Nou - Photograph of an elderly person
Lavi Nou - Photograph of persons having a conversation
Law in action: a reader for level 3 learners
Layman's guide to the constitution for an independent St. Lucia
Learn about banking: a supplementary reader for adult learners
Leave taking
Leaving school - VIII
Let us read and write together - St. Lucia literacy
Let’s read: an adult education booklet
Light and the dark
Link (Magazine)
Liquor Licence Act: No. 7 of 2004
Literacy: a meaning step in our development
Lucian Kaiso 2006
Lucian Kaiso: From stage to studio
Man and his country
Manifesto of the United Workers Party for the 1964 general elections
Memorandum and Articles of Association of Sugar Manufacturers Ltd.
Memorandum of Association of Helen Agro Caribbean (St. Lucia) Ltd.
Message to the workers by the Workers Revolutionary Movement
Metaphor and plainness in the poetry of Derek Walcott
Miss Annie: a play of the West Indian theatre
Money management: a reader for level three learners
Move to rig elections
NRDF News (Newsletter)
National Insurance Scheme: a reader for level three learners
National Seminar on the media and national development in St. Lucia: Final report
National appeal by the Iyanola (St. Lucia) National Preparatory Committee...
Need for integrated rural development: A case study of the Cacao - Vigie Communities
Of masks and men
Official launching of ILSS in St. Lucia
Official opening ceremony of the Ciceron Secondary school
One Love: a one act play
Opening ceremony of the national principals’ association 19th conference (Program of activities)
Our children first!
Our vision for a better St. Lucia: St. Lucia Labour Party manifesto 2001
Papa diable or the Devil at Christmas
Paper on labour and industrial relations
Parliament in session
Pass it on
Past presidents and general secretaries of the St. Lucia Teachers’ Union
Patois keeping us back backward!
People's Progressive Party (Flyer)
Pesticide safety
Photograph of Karl George Donald LaCorbinere
Pilot literacy project graduation: 64 now read and write
Play by Stanley French
Poet Lee pens dread season
Poet of Derek Walcott
Policy proposals for reform of the Saint Lucia public service
Power of the dream: address by political leader of the St. Lucia Labour Party and Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Hon Dr. Kenny D. Anthony to...
Practical history of education in St. Lucia from 1888 to 1944
Praslin and Mamiku Development Committee
Press release: Iouanaloa (St. Lucia) national preparatory committee for the XI World Festival of youth and students
Press release: Workers Revolutionary Movement letter to Minister for Internal Security, Hon. John Compton, protesting police department's refusal of entry for UWI lecturer Dr. Ralph Gonsalves into St. Lucia
Primary and secondary textbook review: 2005
Prime Minister's finest hour
Priority areas for manpower training for the academic year 1988-1989
Production of thermal energy on the island of St. Lucia (British West Indies)
Progressive Labour Party
Progressive Labour Party - Programme for national reconstruction
Project Helen: catalogue of paintings
Qualitative impact assessment of Roving Caregivers Program (RCP): St. Lucia
RCP impact evaluation in St. Lucia: impact results 2008
Rastafari association: discussion paper
Recommendations on the SLP manifesto: education section
Reject the lies of the big man's party
Report of a membership retreat organised by the Saint National Trust on June 1st, 1991
Report of the chief elections officer on the general election of July 2, 1979
Report of the survey of the impact of training on the public sector in Saint Lucia
Report on the adult literacy materials production workshop
Report on the facilitators refresher workshop
Report on the literacy and rural development project for the period October 1985 - March 1986
Report on the literacy and rural development project for the period September 1984 - March 1985
Research in ethnography and ethnohistory of St. Lucia: a preliminary report
Research topics for political sociology, 1975-1976: compare from a detailed analysis of the 1945 and 1960 census documents the character and magnitude of the changes in class structure and composition that took place over the period (in St. Lucia)
Review of Garth St. Omer's J. Black Bam and the masqueraders
Review of salaries of political executives legislative and top management public officiers in the St. Lucia Public Service
Review of textbooks for St. Lucia
Role of culture in the battle for Independence
Rules of the St. Lucia Civil Service Association
Rules of the St. Lucia Workers Co-operative Union
S. L. T - Credit Union - Why should you do business with your credit union
Saint Lucia Economic Review 1984
Saint Lucia Education: problems of literacy and the creole question
Saint Lucia Journal
Saint Lucia at Independence February 22, 1979 (Magazine)
Saint Lucia. Economic and Social Review 1988
Saint Lucia. Government Gazette Extra Ordinary: Integrity in Public Life Act: No. 6 of 2004
Saint Lucia. Vital Statistics Report 1991
Saint Lucia: Agricultural, Industrial and Health Exhibition
Saint Lucia: Economic review 1985
Schooner flight
Scope, sequence and syllabi in literacy and numeracy for adult St. Lucian learners
Search conference at V-Fort
Search conference in education 1990: white paper
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Social Action Movement - A statement on Independence
Social works role in a developing nation (Focus on St. Lucia): an address
Socio-political problems of the tenurial system in St. Lucia
Some notes on literacy and development: compiled for training of literacy facilitators
St. Lucia - History
St. Lucia Independence (Letter)
St. Lucia Labour Party 1979 manifesto
St. Lucia Labour Party 1999 review
St. Lucia Labour Party 2021 manifesto
St. Lucia Labour Party manifesto
St. Lucia Labour Party policy retreat: paper on job creation
St. Lucia Labour Party: 1997 manifesto
St. Lucia Labour Party: 2001 manifesto
St. Lucia Labour Party: general elections 1961: general programme and policy for years 1961-1966
St. Lucia Teachers Union Draft Constitution
St. Lucia elections: table of constituencies 2021
St. Lucia-Cuba friendship association welcomes decision to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba
St. Lucia. Government training priorities 1986-1987 academic year
St. Lucia: renewed determination for independence
St. Lucian students studying in Jamaica responds to 1976 Independence announcement
St. Lucians let's demonstrate on (November 4th) 1980 (Flyer)
Staff orders for the public service of Saint Lucia
Stanley Marshall as Moustique in Dream on Monkey Mountain (Photograph)
Star Newspaper
Star St. Lucia (Newspaper)
Statement by the St. Lucia National Preparatory Committee for the 11th World Festival of Youth and students on the banning of Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, lecturer in the Department of government at the Cave Hill Campus - University of the West Indies
Statement issued by the St. Lucia Civil Service Association Re - Salaries Issue (1973-1979)
Statement released by the Workers Revolution Movement at the 2nd Annual General Assembly, January 13, 1979
Status of implementation of OECS education reform initiatives St. Lucia
Strategic retreat report - Department of labour
Strengthening the institutional change process: project proposal
Striving for excellence: speech to schools award ceremony 6th July 1994
Struggle culminates
Sugar Manufacturers Ltd address by the Chairman and Managing Director F. J. Carasco
Sugar manufacturers Ltd. financial year ending 30 June 1955
Sugar manufacturers financial year ending 30th June 1954
Sugar manufacturers financial year ending 30th June 1956
Sugar manufacturers financial year ending 30th June 1957
Synopsis of the 1998 Common Entrance Examination
Take care of your health: a supplementary reader for adult learners
Tambu (Newsletter)
Tax system: a supplementary reader for adult learners
Teachers strike action
Technical Commission Workshops November 3, 11, 1984 and associated activities
Territorial report: St. Lucia
Throne speech by Her Excellence Dame Dr. C. Pearlette Louisy on the occasion of the fifth session of the seventh parliament of Saint Lucia 2000
Throne speech by Her Excellence Dame Dr. C. Pearlette Louisy on the occasion of the third session of the seventh parliament of Saint Lucia
Throne speech by his Excellency, the Governor-General Sir William George Mallet on the occasion of the formal opening of the First Sesion of the seventh parliament of Saint Lucia
Time for action daddy: a one act play
Tongues of fallen angels
Top Class St. Lucia
Toutwelle (Magzine)
Towards a cultural policy and a programme of cultural action for St. Lucia (1996-2001)
Traffic rules of Saint Lucia: a supplementary reader for adult learners
Two expo dancers added to cast of 'Monkey Mountain'
Two poems
Two political essays
UWP vs public servants
Unfavourable system of land tenure: the case of St. Lucia
United Workers Party 2016 manifesto
United Workers' Party Castries City Council elections manifesto November 1971
Voice (Newspaper)
Voice - 10th Independence Anniversary Supplement
Vote Progressive Labour Party
Vote for the party that can give St. Lucians a better chance to survive (Flyer)
WRM's stand on 1979 elections: vote for the party that can give St. Lucians a better chnace to survive
Walcott Studies Association
Walcott and the audience for poetry
Walcott on Walcott: an interview
Walcott sampler
Walcott's Henri Christophe to run for three nights
Walcott's later drama: from Joker to remembrance
We learn together: a basic literacy reader
White devil: a story of Christmas
Withering into truth: the review of Derek Walcott's the Gulf and othe poems
Works of Derek Walcott
Youth (Newsletter)