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AGENDA 2000 releasing the creative energies of Caribbean people
Action research and education programmes in St. Lucia, Dominica, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana
Address by Brother Maurice Prime Minister, People's Revolutionary Government Grenada on Friday 13th April, 1979
Addresses by progressive trade union leaders: May Day 1978
Approaching development as a cultural process
BLP manifesto 1986
BREK loose! : official organ of the Movement for National Liberation (MONALI)
BREK loose! : official organ of the Movement for National Liberation (Periodical)
Beacon (Periodical)
Beacon: ideological and discussion journal of YULIMO (Periodical)
Brain drain in developing countries: extent - causes - consequences
Bread and justice: the struggle for socialism in Guyana
Brek-Loose!: Movement for National Liberation (Periodical)
Bulletin of the Eastern Caribbean Affairs
CARCAE (Caribbean Regional Council for Adult Education) Newsletter
CUSO Roundtable on political environment for NGO's in Canada
CXC 2012: Statistical Bulletin for the Meeting of Council 2012: Anguilla
Capitalists, socialism and democracy: an analysis of business attitudes toward political democracy in Jamaica
Caribbean Contact (Newspaper)
Caribbean Examinations Council core business process review and transformation: "to-be" process report and action-implementation plan
Caribbean exports preferential markets and performance
Caribbean face: folk arts for communication and education: Folk Institute of the Antilles
Caribbean group for cooperation in economic development: a retrospective and prospective view
Caribbean perspective: a magazine of world affairs (Periodical)
Central Committee report to the Second Annual Convention of YULIMO
Class, race, and the state in Trinidad and Tobago
Co-operation in the Caribbean : address to the Antillean Students' Association at Delft, Netherlands
Commonwealth Youth Programme Caribbean Centre
Conference on adult education in Jamaica
Constitution of the United Labour Front
Conundrum in the Caribbean: pan-castroism, new nations steeped in statism, and distrust of American motives have stirred whitecaps on a familiar sea
Cuba: towards a new aesthetic: some cultural and literary perspective
Declaration of consultative meeting of marxist-Lenism parties and groups of English speaking Caribbean
Determinants of school achievement : a review of the research for developing countries
Development of education in the Eastern Caribbean
Development of the labor movement in St. Vincent
Dominica which way in the 80's? Capitalist exploitation? left-wing infantile socialism? or democracy, equality and development?: Issues in the general elections
Draft OECS education sector strategy 2012-2021
Draft manifesto of the Democratic Freedom Movement
Draft report: seminar on the professional development of teachers in the Eastern Caribbean: redefining strategies for teacher education in the OECS
Draft working paper on Caribbean NGO views on World Bank lending in the region and related issues
Drafting of constitution for independent St. Vincent set in motion: Yulimo calls for Republican constitution
Economic crisis in the Caribbean: from traditional to modern dependency: the case of the Dominican Republic
Education and development: the issue of small states
Education and national scale: the world of small state
Education and the church : elements of inertia or change
Education fallout of adjustment
Education is production too!!
Enough! Rural Transformation Collective (RTC) Bulletin
Folk culture of the slaves in Jamaica
For anti-imperialist unity, national liberation and socialist orientation: statement by the C.C of YULIMO
Forum (Periodical)
Forward ever
Freedom (Periodical)
From colony to state capitalism: alternative paths of development in the Caribbean
Geopolitical situation in the Americas and the Canadian NGO response
Gramma Weekly Review (Newspaper)
Guide to Barbados museum
Guide to children's gallery
Guidelines for collaboration between major donors and Third World NGOs
Guidelines for materials for production for the adult education programme
Guyana - The way forward
Hearings on the "Caribbean Regional Development Act of 1988" before the subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S House of Representatives
Hearings on the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Expansion Act before the subcommittee on trade of the committee on ways and means, U. S. House of Representatives
Highlights of OECS TVET activities for the period January - November 2002
Highlights of the budget speech by Michael Manley, Prime Minister May 12, 1976
IMF is a trap the alternative is better
Impact of economy decline: recession on education in St. Kitts
Impact of the church on the political culture of the Caribbean: the case of Jamaica
Institutionalization, constitution and socialist legality
Interview with the Black Socialist Alliance
Issues and concerns in the workers struggle
Jamaica: agriculture sector adjustment operation
Jonestown affair: towards a sociological examination
Kalaloo (Periodical)
Language Arts for adult learners: a book of English exercises for level three learners
Legal and sociological survey of land use and tenure in Antigua, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Vincent
Letter to all progressive newspapers, journalists and anti-imperalist organisations in the Caribbean
Look at Guyana
Manifesto of the St. Kitts-Nevis Anguilla Labour Party
Manufacturing in the OECS
Memorandum of Understanding between the Foundation for the Development of Caribbean Children (FDCC) and Leeward Islands Air Transport - LIAT (1974) Ltd.
Memorandum: education sector financing and the CDB
Mind if I cut in?
Minimum program of YULIMO: the alternative government
Mirror Overseas Edition (Newspaper)
Monali: mystified
Montserrat Reporter (Newspaper)
Nation (Newspaper)
National education symposium, November 13-16 1990
New Chronicle (Newspaper)
New Inter-American policy for the eighties
Note on environmental and conservational policy in revolutionary Grenada
Now the joker's laugh is mature and polished
OECS education reform unit: report on the sub-regional curriculum harmonization workshop
OECS education report
OECS harmonization project: pilot implementation process: guidelines for teachers
OECS-EC Trade under the Lomé Convention: the promise and the disappointment
OERU-ECERP lower secondary school and technology: learning outcomes and transition to work sub-regional workshop
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States: OECS education reform strategy: report on the sixth meeting of the OECS educational technical committee (OETEC)
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States: summary of conclusions of the fourteenth meeting of OECS Ministers for Education
PPP calls on Guyana to oppose referandum (Flyer)
Pan-Africanist (Periodical)
Party formation in Jamaica
People, parties and politics
Pillars for partnership and progress: The OECS
Plantation capitalism, underdevelopment, and transformation: with special reference to the Caribbean
Policy and Programme of the United Labour Front, Trinidad and Tobago (1975)
Political cartoon of the PPP on occasion of Guyana constitution referendum 1978 (Flyer)
Political economy of the English-speaking Caribbean: a summary view
Politics and the Caribbean church: a confession of guilt
Possibilities for West Indian writing
Programme of the Workers Party of Jamaica
Proposals for a national incentives scheme for Dominica's adult literacy programme
Questions and answers about JAMAL
Race and class in Guyana
Race relations in Britain
Report of the British Guiana Constitutional Commission
Report of the Windward Islands Constitutional Conference
Report of the central committee to the second congress of the Workers Party of Jamaica and the immediate tasks of the party, delivered by General Secretary, Trevor Munroe 17 December 1981
Report on the development of generic teacher appraisal scheme for the OECS
Report on the political situation and the tasks of the party adopted at the Plenary Meeting of the CC February 14 and 15th, 1981
Round table meeting on the impact of World Bank policies and interventions on education in the Caribbean
Saint Vincent: Act No. 16 of 1971
Slackness hiding from culture : erotic play in the dancehall
Small island blues: a short review of the novels of Garth St. Omer
Socialism and the West Indies: its origins and aims
Socio-political aspects of tenurial systems in the Eastern Caribbean
Sociology of popular music: a review
Some issues facing the working class in contemporary Barbadian society
Spearhead (Periodical)
St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party 1995 manifesto
St. Vincent Labour Party: manifesto 1974
Statement by Atherton Martin the Development Group For Alternative Policies, Inc. before the house subcommittee on trade of the committee on ways and means on H. R. 3101, The Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Expansion Act of 1987, March 28, 1988
Statement by Atherton Martin the Development Group for Alternative Policies before the house subcommittees on western hemisphere affairs and human rights and international organizations on the Caribbean Regional Development Act of 1988 (H.R.4943)
Statement of the central committee of YULIMO on the current political situation in St. Vincent
Stitch in time saves nine: support Yulimo
Structure, management and financing of education in Trinidad and Tobago
Struggle: Official Organ of the Workers Liberation League (Newspaper)
Struggle: Organ of the Workers Party of Jamaica (Newspaper)
Struggles of the Jamaican people
Summary and proposed amendments to the "Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Expansion Act of 1987" (H. R. 3101)
Sunday Sun (Newspaper)
Surplus labor, unequal exchange, and merchant capital: rethinking Caribbean migration theory
Tanzanian Ujamaa and scientific socialism
Teacher's manual for the literacy project in Jamaica
Terms of reference: a position paper on the RCP
Tips on teaching reading, writing, and maths
Trade unionism and industrial relations in Barbados, the Windward and Leeward Islands
Transforming the World Bank
US plans to move industries to the Caribbean
Union of democratic students, Cave Hill
Unite against imperialism! Build the Workers Party!
United People's Movement manifesto 1979
Vote in the party that gives the same man more chance to fight for rights and justice
WPO demands (Flyer)
Walter Rodney
West Indies displayed
What hath intervention wrought: reflections on the Dominican Republic
Who bans progressives and why? (Flyer)
Who is "son" Mitchell and why his is not the answer
Women and slavery in the Caribbean: a feminist perspective
Women's Progressive Organisation Party (WPO Flyer)
Workers Tribune (Periodical)
Workers Unite (Periodical)
Workers must come forward
Working class feminism in Puerto Rico (1900-1920)
Working document: second meeting of Caribbean Ministers responsible for UNESCO affairs with the Director General of UNESCO Dr. Amadou Mahtar M’Bow
Workshop on programming for alternative development 1988-1990
World Bank: real change at last
World economic and social crisis: its impact on the underdeveloped countries, its somber prospects, and the need to struggle if we are to survive
YULIMO information Bulletin
Youlou United Liberation Movement (YULIMO) letter to Premier St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1978 on the topic of independence
Youlou United Liberation Movement (YULIMO) support group of Barbados
Youlou United Liberation Movement (YULIMO): resolution in solidarity with the people of Grenada (press release)
Youth Vanguard: organ of the young communist league workers party of Jamaica (Periodical)
Youth touch (Newspaper)